Hi! I'm Soon Ann,
A Linux/Infrastructure Engineer

I love working with the Linux Ecosystem along with Infrastructure deployments!


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  • Cobbers is an in-house voice/video calling solution PoC built on LiveKit for Grab, in collaboration with SMU for the Final Year Project of the Bachelor of Science, Computer Science Degree Programme
Airplane Rizzler
  • Big Data Pipeline that improves customer satisfaction through push-notification based compensations with predictive models trained on historical airline delay data
  • Coding Challenge Platform for the likes of System Admin related tasks on sandbox environments, supports for custom environment builds with Dockerfiles.


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May 2023 – Aug 2023
Site Reliability Engineer Intern
  • Integrated custom and third-party Prometheus Exporters for monitoring, alerting and analysis of various system’s metrics (e.g. Call of Duty Mobile’s Game Server Metrics), enabling metrics-driven decision-making for critical production systems using Prometheus, PromQL, Grafana, Go (go-metrics), SNMP and Docker
  • Engineered an ICMP-based distributed IP Crawler with Go, Python, Terraform, Ansible and S3. Crawler generated live IP data, powering various global team's operations, while reducing cost by 95%+ and runtime by 1 week as compared to initial versions
  • Developed custom Linux Service for network quality test in multi-cloud/region and geo-sensitive environment, optimised by tuning kernel parameters and memory analysis. Built with Go (Gin, Gorm, pprof), Sqlite, Ansible, Systemd (Linux) and Docker (multi-arch/distro builds). Live on 200+ servers with its data powering dashboards of global teams, influencing selection of game server’s cloud service provider and region deployments
  • Implemented fixes and features across multiple Apps, developing Web/Desktop App UI and RBAC using React.js (TDesign) with Strapi and Flask, and Electron App on multi-platform with S3 and internal APIs. App users range from a few teams to the entire Tencent Singapore Office
Aug 2022 – Oct 2022
Software Developer Intern
  • Prototyped and tested multiple cross-platform mobile app frameworks to evaluate compatibility with use case and existing systems, reducing future development compatibility issues and overheads
  • Developed an e-commerce mobile app using Dart on Flutter, based on existing APIs built on ExpressJS and MongoDB, creating a channel for customers to browse and purchase products
  • Designed and implemented UI improvements on multiple pages in mobile app using Flutter, enhancing flexibility and efficiency of use
Jun 2022 – Aug 2022
Nested Technologies
Software Developer Intern
  • Designed and developed a multi-threaded batch job service with resource allocation, progress-checkpoint restarts and recurring job scheduling, using Python, PostgreSQL and Cron-based Scheduling features. Service reduced overall peak memory usage by more than 75%
  • Tested and benchmarked resource usage of batch job service, enabling fine tuning of parameters for optimal resource usage which improved system stability by more than 70% over 2 months
  • Proposed and re-architected improvements to existing storage solutions using AWS S3, enhancing performance and cost savings on AWS by more than 2x
  • Implemented effective logging mechanisms to capture relevant data in processing pipelines using Python Logging, reducing Time-To-Insight for system failures to key stakeholders by 80%
Docker Compose